2022 Program

2022 Program Content

Building Better in a Changing World

The aviation industry is constantly moving forward with crafting improvements to aircraft and flight path noise and emissions impacts, but we are doing so now at an accelerated rate due to the pandemic. Changes in where people live and work has reshaped the blueprint of what needs to be considered throughout the development and planning of aviation systems. Additionally, there is increasing demand for climate conscientious travel options due to the expanding impacts. The 2022 ANES theme "Building Better in a Changing World" highlighted the improvements of the past year and how we can expedite these changes to build a better future.

Keynote: Designing for a sustainable future of aviation
Gregor Veble Mikić, Joby Aviation

Today, aviation accounts for 3% of the world’s carbon emissions, but the sector’s true impact is almost three times that figure due to release of water vapor and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere, both powerful contributors to global warming. The path to fully sustainable and emissions free aviation can not rely just on existing knowledge, but on application of fundamental physical principles to allow exploration of design spaces that are otherwise inaccessible through incremental thinking. Joby has spent more than a decade developing and testing an all-electric vertical take off and landing vehicle. Our five-seat aircraft is quiet when it takes off and is nearly silent in flight, opening up unprecedented opportunities for traveling in both congested cities and under-served rural communities. Through sustainable manufacturing, key partnerships, and alignment with several aviation sustainability initiatives, we look forward to our planned start to commercial passenger flights in 2024.

This presentation by Gregor Veble Mikić covered:

  • the big picture and global perspective of the growing demand for quiet zero-emissions aircraft
  • the community’s demand for aircraft that produce less noise and emissions
  • how Joby has succeeded in creating an aircraft that meets these demands, and
  • how the aviation industry can continue to improve on the progress already made

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New Entrants and Technology: Urban Air Mobility

Session ChairsJorge Rodriguez CifuentesMITRE Corporation, Yolanka WulffCommunity Air Mobility InitiativeAlex GertsenNational Business Aviation Association

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is a new aviation paradigm leveraging electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft to transport passengers within metropolitan areas. This session will highlight the work that local governments, city planners, and research organizations are doing to prepare for the introduction of UAM in a way that serves the community’s transportation needs while also minimizing noise impacts.

Presentation List:

  • Community Integration of Advanced Air Mobility: Potential Impacts of Noise
    Adam CohenUC Berkeley's Transportation Sustainability Research Center, and Yolanka WulffCommunity Air Mobility Initiative (CAMI) 
    Presentation PDF
  • An Overview of NASA Research into Urban Air Mobility Noise
    Andrew ChristianNASA Langley Research Center 
    Presentation PDF
  • Community Planning Strategies for Urban Air Mobility
    Byron Thurber, Arup 
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What is “Meaningful” Community Engagement?

Session Chairs: Chris Musei-SequeiraCJSC, LLCDarlene YapleeAviation-Impacted Communities Alliance and Concerned Residents of Palo Alto, Michele RossMetropolitan Airports Commission

The aviation sector includes a wide variety of key stakeholder groups. What does “meaningful” community engagement mean to these different groups, and how do they define “community?” Our panelists will discuss their answers to these questions and share thoughts on where community engagement has worked well.

Presentation List:

  • What meaningful engagement looks like for the FAA
    Justin Biassou, Community Engagement Officer & Regional Ombudsman – Northwest Mountain & Alaskan Regions, FAA 
  • Engaging with Airport Neighbors
    Michele Ross, Metropolitan Airports Commission 
    Presentation PDF
  • Community Engagement or DIS-Engagement?
    Darlene Yaplee, Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance and Concerned Residents of Palo Alto 
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How Airports Can Work with Their Communities on Noise Abatement Procedures

Session Chairs: Justin CookESASjohanna KnackSan Diego International AirportGabe AndinoTeterboro Airport

This session provided a discussion on how San Diego International Airport helped facilitate a dialogue with local communities and industry stakeholders (notably the FAA and airlines) to evaluate the feasibility flight procedure modifications to reduce noise impacts outside the CNEL 65 contour. Topics included: the airports role, concept development process, assessment documentation, airline and aircraft flyability, legal challenges and jurisdiction, and FAA community involvement and engagement.


  • Beth White, Federal Aviation Administration
  • Steve Smith, Ricondo
  • Sjohnna Knack, San Diego International Airport
  • Lynae Craig, Alaska Airlines
  • Eric Pilsk, Kaplan Kirsh Rockwell 
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Noise Metrics and Impacts: Thinking Beyond DNL

Session Chairs: Xiaobo LiuPort Authority of New York and New Jersey, Andrew ChristianNASA, Darlene YapleeAviation-Impacted Communities Alliance and Concerned Residents of Palo Alto

The FAA uses the DNL metric and related thresholds for all noise-based decision making purposes which is informed by the Schultz curve published in 1978. The DNL metric was adopted by the FAA in 1981 to meet the requirements established by the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979.

 Over the past 40 years, aircraft noise has changed such as: 

  • Performance-Based Navigation procedures enable precise flight tracks which result in increased concentrations of flights and noise over some areas
  • Steadily increasing volumes of aircraft traffic
  • New, and quieter, airframes and engines

Although the effects of these changes have been pointed out in subsequent research and reports, the DNL metric remains as the single metric the FAA uses for assessing “significance in the context of impact analysis”. Speakers from a variety of perspectives will share their thoughts on noise impacts and metrics beyond DNL, for the changing aviation environment, including for communities outside of the DNL-65 contour.

Presentation List:

  • Aircraft Noise: Recommendations to Improve FAA Outreach Through Enhanced Noise Metrics and Communication
    Katie Hamer, GAO 
    Presentation PDF
  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics (Cancelled)
    Cindy Christiansen, Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA) 
  • A Framework for the Analysis of Alternative Metrics for Aviation Noise Impacts
    Juan Alonso, Metroplex Overflight Noise Analysis (MONA) Project, Stanford University 
    Presentation PDF

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Health Effects of Noise – From Local to National; Three Perspectives on Research, Legislation, and Implementation

Session ChairsGabe AndinoTeterboro AirportJustin CookESA AssociatesCindy GibbsBridgeNet International 

Human health factors related to aircraft noise have been well documented as a complex subject that involves stakeholders at many levels, from local land use planners to global health organizations. How do we go from research to implementation? This session will focus on hearing from three perspectives that include research, land use implementation and legislative efforts.

Presentation List:

  • Psychosocial Health Assessment of Aircraft Noise on Occupants of an Airport and its Environs
    Ayodele Faiyetole, Singularity University & EarthSpace 
    Presentation PDF
  • Updating Swiss guidelines for transportation noise
    Martin Röösli, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 
    Presentation PDF
  • History and Updates on Congressional Efforts to Address Health Impacts of Aviation Noise
    Brad Pierce, N.O.I.S.E
    Presentation PDF
  • FAA Aircraft Noise Induced Health Impacts Research Activities
    Sean Doyle, FAA 

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Climate Change and Aviation – Pathways to NetZero

Session Chairs: Ian JopsonNATS, Eric LuRambollRachel BurbidgeEUROCONTROL

Climate Change is an existential threat to the aviation industry and, in response, the sector is aggressively pursuing pathways to decarbonize. The industry recognizes that urgent action is required to reduce its contribution to climate change as rapidly as possible while maintaining the vital societal and economic benefits of air transportation. This session will explore what the aviation industry’s impact on climate change is, share how the sector is striving to achieve “net zero”, and update on the regulatory process and developments that are needed to help the industry achieve these goals.

Presentation List:

  • ICAO's Long Term Goal Process
    Neil Dickson, ICAO
    Presentation PDF
  • Potential pathways to aviation decarbonization
    Ian Jopson, NATS 
    Presentation PDF
  • DFW Airport's Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap
    Sarah Ziomek, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
  • Sustainable fuels contribution to reaching Net Zero
    Dave Stallwitz, Phillip 66 
    Presentation PDF
  • Climate change risks to aviation
    Rachel Burbidge, EUROCONTROL 
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Aviation Emissions: Reduction Efforts and Current Research

Session Chairs: John PehrsonCDM Smith, Robbie GrossCrawford, Murphy & Tilly

This session will exhibit the current efforts and research toward understanding and reducing aviation-related emissions. There are various sources of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions at airports including, but not limited to, aircraft, ground support equipment (GSE), aircraft auxiliary power units (APUs), passenger and employee motor vehicles, construction activities, and building energy use. Airports are actively working toward understanding and reducing emissions from these sources, however doing so is often complicated by the varying levels of ownership and control of the sources, as well as the involvement of multiple stakeholders. Additionally, there is ongoing research into the efficacy of various emission reduction efforts and their best means of implementation. This session will include presentations from airport representatives on their efforts, successes, and lessons learned. Additionally, research and results pertaining to aviation-related emissions and reduction methods will be presented.

Presentation List:

  • Airport Construction Emissions and the Development of ACEIT Version 2.0
    John Trendowski, C&S Companies 
    Presentation PDF
  • Mass-Scale Regional Sky Transit
    Brien Seeley, Sustainable Aviation
    Presentation PDF
  • Airport Net Zero Roadmaps
    Geoff Morrison, Cadmus Group 
    Presentation PDF

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